Sunday, April 15, 2012

CBC wants to put us on the FESTIVAL EXPRESS, but we need your help.

Check it out: Canada's national radio/television company, CBC, is planning a great big, festival-express style rock concert that travels across the country by train. I'm serious. It's called Tracks on Tracks and it features some of Canada's finest.

However, they've left room for three more Western-Canadian acts to jump on board, and they're deciding it all with one of those online voting contests. I doubt I have to express to you how much I love trains, and so you can only imagine my excitement to learn that my oh-so-Western-Canadian-side-project-super-group LMNOP (James Lamb, Corbin Murdoch, David Newberry, and some Other People) has made the long-list of eligible contestants. We're listed along side some ridiculously high-profile, super-talented, and very friendly artists, and so we would all really, really love if you could head over and help us keep on keepin' on this list. Or at least stay competitive.  The list is updated every Wednesday, so th e sooner you vote the better, and then return and vote the next week too. You get to vote for three acts at a time.

I appreciate your support. LMNOP and voting info below.
That's my real appeal at this stage.
Thanks so much everyone, for your ongoing support. It means the world.
As you know we've just put out a record, and I just took it on the road to Ontario and Quebec with some old friends and family. It was a real pleasure to be back out there, and the record is garnering some good reviews. I'll leave you with those for now, and see you on the flip side.
If you'd like to know what I'm up to, its all over at

Love and kindness,

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